Mengenai saya dan tim..
Di sini kami bertiga.
Nama kami adalah Johannes Oscar, Antonius Handy dan Glen Adiputra.
Kami saling bekerja sama dan mau membantu.
Kami suka sekali permainan sulap, karena permainan sulap itu sangat menyenangkan, juga memiliki kecepatan tangan dan kreatifitas saat membuat suatu alat sulap, maupun menambah wawasan, dsb.
Maka kami menciptakan tim, dengan nama Gimmick Magic.
Gimmick Magic itu adalah sebuah tipuan dalam permainan sulap.
Tapi kami ingin membuat permainan sulap dengan seperti betul-betul ajaib...
Itulah kami ingin membuat orang merasa terhibur...
It's not about tricks. It's about how to make people dream n believe....
About me and the team...
There are three of us.
Our names are Glen Adiputra, Antonius Handy, and Johannes Oscar.
We co-operate mutually and would like to help people with the art of conjuring.
We enjoy the art of conjuring (making something appear) and expanding this concept, because it is extremely fun yet, requires sleight of hand and creativity.
Then we created Gimmick Magic.
Gimmick Magic dedicates itself to the art of conjuring.
We pursued our goal with the idea of making the art of conjuring miraculous.
We want to make sure the audience is entertained and amazed.
It's not about tricks. It's about how to make people dream n believe....