Giimmick Magic Shop

Giimmick Magic Shop

Selamat Datang (Welcome)


Selamat Datang!!


Kami menyediakan alat sulap, trik, dan video tutorial.

Kami menjual barang murah dan berkualitas..

Dan kami juga menyediakan untuk perform di mana saja, seperti pesta ulang tahun, acara kepentingan anda.

Kami juga menyediakan closeup magic, stage, illusion magic, etc.

Kami harap semua menarik perhatian ini..

Terima kasih.





We provided the conjuring implement, the trick, and the tutorial video.
We sell cheap yet high quality items..

We also offer to perform anywhere, such as birthday parties, or any social gatherings

We also provide performances with close-up magic, stage performances, illusion magic, etc.

Please feel free to contact us at anytime

Thank you.

Products and Video Demo

Bicycle Reguler or Jumbo Index @Rp. 40.000

Vanishing Deck @Rp. 35.000,-

The Magic Box @Rp. 30.000,-The Coin Escapes @Rp. 25.000,-Quick Suit @Rp. 700.000,- (Full Complete) or @Rp. 300.000,- (hanya untuk menjahit jaket sama kemeja milik anda)

P.K. Ring (all size) SOLD OUT- bisa dipesan dahulu @Rp. 50.000,-Kacamata Pattimura @Rp. 35.000,-
Magic Cup @Rp. 20.000,-Fire Wallet @Rp. 50.000,-Extreme Burn @Rp. 125.000,- (Gimmick and DVD)ESP local @Rp. 20.000,-D'Lite Red @Rp. 75.000,-Digital Feedback @Rp. 100.000,-Daftar Menu Makanan Local @Rp. 15.000,-Black Ghost 2nd Bicycle (Reguler) @140.000,-Bill Switch @Rp. 40.000,-Appearing Flower @Rp. 30.000,-Appearing Cane Purple @Rp. 30.000,-

Gimmick Magic Group

Mengenai saya dan tim..

Di sini kami bertiga.
Nama kami adalah Johannes Oscar, Antonius Handy dan Glen Adiputra.

Kami saling bekerja sama dan mau membantu.
Kami suka sekali permainan sulap, karena permainan sulap itu sangat menyenangkan, juga memiliki kecepatan tangan dan kreatifitas saat membuat suatu alat sulap, maupun menambah wawasan, dsb.

Maka kami menciptakan tim, dengan nama Gimmick Magic.

Gimmick Magic itu adalah sebuah tipuan dalam permainan sulap.

Tapi kami ingin membuat permainan sulap dengan seperti betul-betul ajaib...

Itulah kami ingin membuat orang merasa terhibur...

It's not about tricks. It's about how to make people dream n believe....

About me and the team...

There are three of us. 
Our names are Glen Adiputra, Antonius Handy, and Johannes Oscar.

We co-operate mutually and would like to help people with the art of conjuring.
We enjoy the art of conjuring (making something appear) and expanding this concept, because it is extremely fun yet, requires sleight of hand and creativity.

Then we created Gimmick Magic. 

Gimmick Magic dedicates itself to the art of conjuring. 

We pursued our goal with the idea of  making the art of conjuring miraculous.

We want to make sure the audience is entertained and amazed.

It's not about tricks. It's about how to make people dream n believe....

Request Magic

Buat teman-teman yang hendak merequest alat sulap/trik sulap tertentu, silakan lihat isi formulir contoh yang kami sediakan di bawah ini.
Dalam 1 minggu kami kami akan berusaha menghadirkan alat sulap request anda. 
Alat sulap yang anda request bisa dalam bentuk VCD/DVD, gimmick, atau special trick.

() Nama anda: (required)
() No. Hp anda: (required)
() Email anda: (required)
() Alat sulap yang di-request: (tulis aje yang alat sulap anda inginkan namun belum tersedia di blog gimmick magic shop) (required)
() Efek alat sulap yang di-request: (efek dari alat sulap yang diinginkan)

Setelah mengetahui, anda mengirimnya via SMS ke 08998398316

For friends who wpuld request the magic kit or certain magic trick, please see the conents of the example form tha we provide below.
In 1 (one) week we will try to provide the magic kit you have requested.
The magic kit that you request could be in the form of VCD/DVD, gimmick, or special trick.

() your Name: (required) 
() your Mobile Phone number: (required) 
() your Email:
() the magic kit you request: (just wrte the magic kit that you want but is not yet available in gimmick magic shop blog) (required) 
() the Effect of the magic kit that in-request: (the effect from the magic tricks to the audience that was wanted)

After knowing th information, sent it via SMS to 08998398316

Contact us

Silakan hubungi (Please Contact us) :
() Oscar Frs S N (Facebook) (To Order item)
- 08998398316
() Glen Adiputra (Facebook) (for Tricks and Gimmicks)
- 08179194519 (SMS)
- 08998235458 (SMS)
() Antonius handy (facebook) (for a Consultant)
- 08979247989

Chat with us on msn:
* (Oscar Frs S N)
* (Glen Adiputra)
* (Antonius Handy)

How to order items

Anda bisa memesan barang dengan mudah, berikutnya:

1. Silakan kirim pesanan anda via SMS ke 08998398316 (Oscar Frs )
() Pilihlah barang anda suka atau tertarik (Choose the item you wish or are interested in).
() Tulislah nama anda dan barang sama stocknya serta lokasi anda.
EX. Nama: Bill
       Pesan: 1 Bill switch_trick, 1 kartu biru jumbo index, dll.
       Lokasi anda: Puri Indah blok G9 no 15. kembangan utara.
2. Kemudian anda mendapat sms balasan:
    1 Bill Switch_trick 30rb, 1 kartu biru jumbo index 40rb, harga tersebut belum termasuk ongkos kiriman.
3. Anda wajib mengkonfirmasikan dari SMS balasannya.
    Mas. ya, benar. saya segera bayarnya.
4. Terakhir anda mendapat sms balasan seperti ini:
    Oke, sip... Barang akan segera kami kirim. Thanks.

You could order the things easily with the following steps: 

1. Please send your order via SMS to 08998398316 (Oscar Frs) 
() Choose the thing you like or are interested (Choose the item you wish or are interested in). 
() Tulislah your name and the thing were the same his stock as well as your location. 
     EX. Nama: Bill 
            Ordered: Bill's 1 switch trick, 1 blue card jumbo the index, etc.. 
            Your location: Puri Indah blok G9 no 15. kembangan utara. 
2. Afterwards you received the reply sms: 
    1 of Bill Switch Trick 30rb, 1 blue card jumbo the index 40rb, this price not including the cost of the consignment yet. 
3. You obliged to reply to sms: 
  Ex:  Yes, okay. I immediately pay for it. 
4. Finally you received the reply sms like this: 
   OK, fantastic... The thing will immediately be sent by us. Thanks